Mountain Pet Rescue Fostering FAQ

What Does it Mean to Foster a Pet?
Fostering a pet means you help care for a pet in need at your home until we can find him a permanent home. You can foster just one dog or a litter of puppies until they are ready for adoption. Some pets will need help with training and/or socialization. By fostering, you are helping the pet get out of an overcrowded shelter or from becoming euthanized, and giving him a chance to be adopted into a loving home.
Is Fostering a Pet Expensive?
The only thing it will cost you is time and love. Mountain Pet Rescue will provide you with food, a crate, toys, and any other supplies you’ll need in order to successfully care for the pet. We also provide all veterinary care.
What if the Pet Does Not Get Along with My Other Pets and/or Family Members?
We want to ensure a good experience for both foster parent and pet, so if things don’t work out, we will find a different foster for the pet in need.
What are the Benefits of Fostering a Pet?
Fosters allow rescues to pull animals from overcrowded shelters. It provides companionship for you and great socialization for your pet, if you have one. It is great trial run to see if you and your family are ready to adopt.
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