The Owens had been in search for a new dog ever since their Alaskan Malamute, Diesel, had to be put down due to cancer. Diesel had been in the family for nine years, and he is very missed by the Owen family. Since his death, the family knew they wanted another big dog.
They had been searching for a few months before they found James, a dog that was rescued from a shelter through Mountain Pet Rescue. They had seen a photo of James’s sister in the newspaper.

“We were looking for a lab, (but) we had been very open to any type of dog that would make a great fit to our family,” says Tara Owens. “Once we met James, we knew right away he was the one. We absolutely adore him.”
Mountain Pet Rescue strives to find the perfect fit for its rescue dogs by screening adoption applications and, in some instances, visiting the home of the potential adopters to ensure a good relationship between the dog and the potential family. The Owens have two children and two other dogs – two Pugs– who all get along great with James. Tara says James even sleeps right next to the Pugs at night, and plays with them during the day.
“He fits right in, and it all has felt so natural with him,” says Tara. “We are a very active family and look forward to going on runs with him, and taking him with us to our family boat in Lake Powell this summer.”
Sounds like James is one lucky pooch! Thank you Owens family!
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